Hireology Earns New G2 Badges for Spring 2023

G2, the world’s largest peer-to-peer software review site, announced the recipients of new badges for Spring 2023 last week — and Hireology was named a leader in several key categories.

We were awarded 31 new leader badges across many key categories including applicant tracking systems, candidate relationship management, background checks and drug testing, reference checks, recruitment marketing, and more. We were also rated #1 in 17 reports, including employee referral program software. All of this comes at the heels of G2 naming Hireology the top true applicant tracking software on its overall list of 2023 Best HR Software.

At Hireology we are committed to understanding the needs of our customers and the evolving challenges of today’s hiring market and improving our product accordingly. And we believe it is this dedication that earns us these badges year after year. 

Recently, we’ve launched several key product updates designed to help our customers connect with more talent as we continue to navigate a talent shortage — including Indeed integration enhancements and new text-to-apply functionality.  We’ve also launched several automation enhancements to help customers eliminate manual work and streamline hiring process steps. In fact, just last month we became the first applicant tracking system to fully integrate ChatGPT into our platform.

“Hireology is by far the best hiring platform,” one Hireology customer said on G2. “Being able to post on multiple job sites all under one site makes hiring easier. We are also able to reach a larger candidate base because we are posting to so many sites. The SMS feature is also incredibly helpful as we can text with employees directly off of hireology.com and responses come right to our emails.”

Here’s the highlights from our Spring 2023 G2 rankings:

Key leader badges

  • Applicant tracking systems
  • Background checks
  • Candidate relationship management
  • Drug testing
  • Employee referral
  • HR analytics
  • Job description management
  • Onboarding
  • Recruiting automation
  • Recruitment marketing
  • Recruitment platforms
  • Reference checks
  • Time tracking
  • Workforce management

Customer success/support

Our customer success teams have been recognized for:

  • Easiest to do  business with
  • Easiest to use
  • Best Relationship
  • Best Est. ROI


Our sales and implementation teams have been awarded these badges:

  • Easiest set up
  • Fastest implementation
  • Most implementable 

Our user-friendly technology and customer-first mindset helps get us these awards, but none of it would have been possible without our dedicated and loyal customers. So if you’ve given us a review, thank you!

Not yet a Hireology customer? Take a self-guided tour of our platform today to see the difference that the right software can make.



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