NADA 2024: Recruitment Automation for Retail Automotive

Over a third (38%) of retail automotive job seekers admitted to ghosting employers that they had applied to or were interviewing with — all because the hiring process took too long. 

The simple fix to this issue can be found at NADA 2024: how to embrace automation in your dealership’s hiring process to streamline your procedures and capture top talent before your competitors do. Automation will empower your hiring teams to let technology take over tedious, time-consuming tasks so they can focus on other revenue driving activities while filling your open roles faster than before.

In today’s hiring landscape, it’s critical that your dealership partners with a recruiting and hiring platform that empowers you to build a great hiring experience for you and the candidate. Read on to learn more about what your dealership stands to gain from recruitment automation and the tools readily available in Hireology’s cutting edge platform. 

What are the benefits of automating parts of my hiring process?

There are two primary benefits to automating parts of your hiring process: streamline procedures and efficient communication with candidates. Your hiring workflow can be optimized simply by automating repetitive tasks like candidate communications, soliciting missing information, or digitizing previous time-consuming processes like arranging interviews. 

As a bonus, your dealership will see a reduction in average time to hire thanks to instant engagement with interested candidates, timely updates on application and interview status, and increased candidate responsiveness. In essence, you can relieve your candidate’s anxiety around the hiring process while improving your hiring outcomes with recruitment automation.

How can automation improve hiring at my dealership with Hireology?

There are a number of ways that automation can improve hiring at your dealership — and the Hireology platform has plenty of ways to streamline and optimize your hiring process. Below, we’ve compiled a list of all the automated features that come standard in every hiring solution we offer.

Automatically request missing information

With automation, you can say goodbye to having your hiring team spend time reaching out to candidates who submitted partially filled applications. Instead, your team can now focus on other, revenue-driving and relationship-building activities while your new applicant tracking system (ATS) reviews applications as they come in and automatically request for the candidate to finish what they started. On average, our customers have seen a 25% reduction in time-to-fill using our automated outreach — and that can make all the difference in being the first to reach technician talent.

Other than being a great time saver, our automated outreach tool drives qualified talent to your critically needed roles. Hireology research shows that after being notified by our automated outreach tool, 31% of candidates with missing information have updated their application; of those applicants, 63% have been quality candidates. By automatically requesting missing information from candidates, you’re upping the odds that your dealership will be able to add another quality candidate to your talent pipeline and that much closer to making your next hire.

"Hireology's automated outreach is a game-changer, saving us valuable time by removing manual follow-ups and streamlining the hiring process. Automated replies gently prompt candidates who may have missed crucial application steps, efficiently filtering out those who may not meet our expectations. In a single stroke, Hireology ensures that our focus remains on individuals who value attention to detail and exhibit proactive engagement, sparing us the need for constant reminders and allowing us to prioritize candidates who meet our standards."

Interact immediately with candidates 

In Hireology’s 2023 State of Automotive Hiring Report, 51% of automotive job seekers admitted to ghosting a potential employer within the last 12 months. What’s more, the top reason that these highly valued candidates drop out of the hiring process is due to a lack of communication from the company they were interviewing with. By enabling automated candidate communications, your dealership can overcome this number one reason that applicants ghost potential employers — all without adding more tedious tasks to your to-do list!

Hireology customers who take advantage of our automated candidate communication feature see multiple benefits in their hiring process. According to Hireology data, customers who have empowered their hiring process with this powerful feature see 4% more quality candidates than customers who do not use automated communications. Not only that, but Hireology customers who use automated communication have reduced overall time to hire by 4 days. Automated candidate communications allow you to interact immediately with candidates to hire better talent faster, a boon that dealerships across the country are looking for. 

Schedule interviews seamlessly 

One of the most time-consuming tasks during the hiring process can be arranging interviews with top talent. If you email candidates, you run the risk of your email getting lost in overstuffed inboxes. If you try to call the number applicants provided, you could end up in a game of (seemingly) neverending phone tag. But this no longer has to be the case!

With Hireology’s automated interview scheduler, candidates can be invited to select an interview time that works best for them based on your hiring managers’ calendars. All you have to do is link your Hireology account to any Microsoft, Google, or Apple calendar to gain access to hiring manager availability. By empowering candidates to select the best dates and times for an interview that work with their schedule, you can reduce the back-and-forth your dealership has with talent to hire better talent faster up to two days faster according to Hireology data.

Generate job descriptions with AI

Great retail automotive job descriptions aren’t an art — they’re a science. What better way is there to navigate the new trend and powerful capability of AI than by using it to hire better technician talent

Beaker, Hireology’s AI assistant, was designed with dealerships like yours in mind. Now, you can generate high-quality job descriptions in seconds so you can get your open roles in front of job seekers faster and make hires that much sooner. Instead of copying and pasting an old job description that may (or may not) be optimized for careers sites, SEO, and for current hiring trends, you can create a new job description that is sure to check all of the boxes. Hireology customers who use Beaker are, on average, 1.3 times faster at opening jobs than customers who don’t, meaning they’re that much closer to making a hire in this competitive labor market.

Learn more about automation at NADA 2024!

Kick your hiring into high gear by automating steps of your process with Hireology. You can see just how easier hiring at your dealership can be by scheduling time to see us at NADA.

Can’t wait? Download our guide on recruitment automation to learn more today!



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