Hireology Product Updates for June

Our team is constantly at work making new enhancements to the Hireology platform to ensure our customers have everything needed to build their best teams. Here’s an overview of the latest updates:

Reference Check Enhancements

We’ve recently made several updates to our reference check offering, including the following:

  • Template Search. We’ve updated functionality to inform more efficient search and selection of reference check templates:
    • The job title no longer auto-populates in the search bar, as it often masked better template options.
    • Searches now match on the template name and on the job titles that are associated with that template.
    • Less important columns from returned results have been removed to more effectively drive template selection.

  • New References Tab. A new References tab has been added to the candidate page to allow for easy accessibility.

  • New Reference Responses Tracking. We’ve created a more visual experience when it comes to tracking the status of reference checks.

  • Ability to Re-finalize a Report. If additional responses come in after a reference check report has been finalized, you can now re-calculate a candidate’s score to make sure all available information is considered. NOTE: An order must have an additional reference response after 5/7/18 to be re-finalized.

Candidate Submitted Date Added to Background Checks

On the Background Check status page, you now have visibility into when a candidate has submitted their information to Accurate. This enhancement will provide greater insight into when the background check starts processing and the related turnaround time.

Current Compensation Question Removed

After multiple customer feedback requests and recent changes to legislation, Hireology’s Current Compensation question has been removed from the application template. As an alternative, the Desired Compensation question will remain.

Option to Cancel an Onboarding Process

An onboarding process can now be canceled once it has been started but not completed. You can also move a hire with a canceled onboarding process back to candidate or inactive status.

Updates to the Sourcing Insight

Continuing our commitment to helping you source quality candidates, customers can now drill down within each source to further understand ROI for unique roles.

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