Infographic: Manage Your Hiring to Create a Human Capital Advantage

Given the tight labor market, most job seekers are already employed, meaning they can be more selective than ever before when it comes to new job opportunities. And once prospective applicants begin the job search, most top talent is off the market within 21 days. To ensure your team doesn’t miss out on qualified applicants, it’s important to follow a streamlined hiring process that keeps candidates engaged. 
Many employers don’t have a standardized hiring process in place and, as a result, have no way of knowing whether or not their hiring efforts are working – and what needs to be improved.
To illustrate what an effective hiring process looks like – in comparison to a lengthy, disjointed process – we’ve pulled together the infographic below. By tapping into data to better manage your hiring process, you can secure top talent in today’s competitive hiring market, boosting productivity and profitability at your organization. 
See the full infographic below. For additional information on how Hireology can help you create a human capital advantage through your people, schedule a free consultation today



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