August 2024 BLS Jobs Report Reveals Key Industry Trends

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released its August 2024 jobs report, providing vital insights into the current state of the labor market. The August 2024 jobs report showed that there were 142,000 jobs added to the labor market last month, slightly fewer jobs than expected reflecting a slowing labor market. The unemployment rate, which measures the number of workers who currently do not have a job but are looking for work, ticked down to 4.2%, as expected. The labor force participation rate, measured as the percentage of the country’s civilian population 16 years and older that are either working or actively seeking work, remained steady at 62.7%, the rate we saw in July. 

Employment Sector Highlights

The construction sector experienced a significant boost, adding 34,000 jobs. This increase is higher than the average monthly gain for the industry, indicating a surge in construction activities and investments.

The healthcare sector also showed robust growth, adding 31,000 jobs in August. Although this is about half the average monthly gain over the previous 12 months, it underscores the continued demand for healthcare professionals and services.

Manufacturing employment edged down in August, with a notable decline of 24,000 jobs in durable goods industries. This trend reflects the challenges faced by the manufacturing sector, including supply chain disruptions and technological changes.

Employment remained relatively unchanged in several other major industries, such as mining, wholesale trade, retail trade, transportation, and financial activities. This stability suggests a balanced yet cautious approach to hiring across these sectors.

Implications for Job Seekers

A lower unemployment rate typically signals a healthier job market, where job seekers have better prospects of finding employment. However, the slight decrease also reflects the challenges businesses face in filling open positions, indicating the importance of standing out from the competition to secure top talent.

Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Talent

Enhancing Your Employer Brand

To attract top talent, businesses must leverage their career sites as effective recruiting tools in the hiring process. Today’s modern applicant is likely previewing your company online during the application process to ensure that it is a good fit for them. Showcase your top performers, spotlight employee testimonials, and highlight your employee benefits. A compelling employer brand can make a significant difference in attracting quality candidates.

Marketing Job Descriptions

Market your job descriptions like you would market a product. Create job designs that cater to what applicants want, emphasizing the unique aspects of the position and the organization. Clear, attractive job descriptions can help draw in the right candidates.

Leveraging Employee Referrals

Turn your current employees into your best recruiters. Encourage them to refer their peers and offer incentives for successful hires. Employee referrals often lead to high-quality candidates who are a good cultural fit for the organization. Employee referrals also tend to stay at a company longer, helping to foster employee retention and satisfaction.

Mobile-First Communication

Make communication easy and leverage mobile-first communication strategies. Applicants that work in skilled labor industries such as retail automotive, healthcare, and hospitality often check their mobile devices to apply for jobs or communicate with potential employers when given a free moment.  Ensure that job postings, application processes, and internal communications are mobile-friendly to reach a broader audience, improve engagement, and make quality hires faster.


Skilled labor remains in short supply, posing challenges for industries where trained workers are critical to business success. The competition for talent is fierce, and businesses must adopt innovative strategies to attract and retain skilled employees. Consider utilizing an applicant tracking system like Hireology with recruitment automation to streamline the hiring process. Recruitment automation allows you to communicate with quality candidates faster than your competitors while taking care of other tasks.  

To explore more strategies on what today’s skilled worker is looking for in an employer, check our Hireology’s 2024 Applicant Study, where retail automotive, healthcare, and hospitality industries and their employees’ unique needs are addressed. Decentralized businesses hire better talent faster when they partner with Hireology, an HR and recruiting platform. Schedule a free demo to see how our hiring solution can solve your business’s needs!



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