Hireology vs. Low-Cost or Free Applicant Tracking Systems

Considering adopting your payroll provider’s free or low-cost applicant tracking system (ATS) in the name of all-in-one people management? Think again. An ATS that is not designed with the unique challenges of today’s hiring market in mind can be detrimental to your hiring outcomes.

Hireology has what it takes you help you hire
quality talent faster in today’s tough market with:

The costs of moving to low-cost or free ATS in the name of all-in-one

Low volume of quality candidates

Most low-cost, payroll-provided ATS add ons offer little to support sourcing top talent on diverse channels or vet and verify applicants to identify top candidates.

Slow hiring speed

Most free or low-cost ATSes require talent to create a login just to apply — a practice that leads to 52% of job seekers quitting applications — making it harder to attract the applicants you need to fill roles fast.

Poor user experience

Payroll-provided ATS add ons are almost always built as an afterthought, never with the recruiters and hiring managers top of mind.

Improve candidate quality with Hireology

The quality rate of referrals is double the rate of non-referrals. Referrals are also easier to retain, reducing the cost of turnover.

The cost of a bad hire is up to 30% of that employees annual salary

Leverage automation and customization to make hires faster

You lose revenue for every day critical roles remain unfilled. Hire quickly and drive bottom-line with Hireology’s built-in tools for hiring speed, including:

52% applicants quit applications that require a login

Speed up time to hire by 3.5 days when using SMS texting

Hireology offers a hassle-free hiring experience for your team

At times of high competition in the hiring market, productivity matters. Your team should always be focusing on the tasks that matter — not repetitive, manual work. Hireology is built to help you work smarter, not harder with tools like:

Hireology increases productivity by up to 25% — leading to faster time-to-hire, lower recruitment costs, and greater bottom-line impact

What our customers have to say

 “It’s not really free when you consider the time added to your hiring process and the impact on the quality of hire we are able to make. An ATS that is free or very low cost typically does not offer enough value to justify charging for.”

— Hireology customer considering using a free payroll-provided ATS

“Getting a large volume of low quality applicants without any tooling or automation to screen them out wastes the time of the hiring team.”

— Hireology customer considering using a free payroll-provided ATS

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