6 real-life examples of employee referral programs that work
Discover what some of the world's leading companies — from Google to Dell — have done to build (or rebuild) employee referral programs that drive real results.
Identifying the need for a referral program is the easy part. Devising an employee referral program from scratch is hard. To make it a bit less complicated, we’ve gathered blueprints for seven different types of referral programs from companies like Google, Deloitte, and Dell. These blueprints outline each company’s different goals and challenges, and what they did to launch their own employee referral programs. These can be used as a way to provide structure as you’re designing your own referral program.
Read the 6 Blueprints for a Successful Employee Referral program a get inspired to revamp your company's program today.
Key takeaways
- Learn how Google increased its volume of employee referrals by 33%
- See why RedHat now drives 40-50% of its hires from referrals
- Get an insider look at Deloitte's new alumni referral program, which now helps the company drive nearly half of its new hires from referrals
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