What’s New at Hireology? A Look at Everything We Launched in Q1

March 22, 2023 | 1 pm CST

Interested to hear why Hireology was rated #8 on G2’s list of 50 Best HR Products of 2023?

Join this webinar to get the details on everything we launched in the last three months — including an enhanced Inbox experience, a new integration with UKG, and more. Plus, we’ll also dig into some metrics to show the potential these features have to drive real business outcomes for your organization.

Whether you’re an existing customer looking to get more out of your account or you’re not yet a customer but curious about everything our platform has to offer, you won’t want to miss this one.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • How Hireology’s enhanced Inbox experience allows you to respond to candidates faster and fill open roles sooner
  • More about what our new integration with UKG Pro means for you and your onboarding process
  • Why Hireology was rated #8 on G2’s list of 50 Best HR Products of 2023


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