How to Hire Top Talent Faster

Join Hireology + McKnight’s to learn the secrets to optimizing your healthcare hiring process today

Recent Hireology research found that nearly half of caregiver job seekers have admitted to “ghosting” employers they were interviewing with. Why do they ghost? Because employers move too slow throughout the hiring process.


At a time when hiring is harder than ever in the healthcare space, you simply cannot afford to lose great candidates because of timing. So in order to fill your open roles with the best quality talent on the market you need to optimize and streamline your processes. Join our upcoming webinar with Mcknight’s to learn how!

Save your spot today to get insight into:

What candidates expect for speed and timing in the hiring process today

Actionable steps you can take to speed up your hiring processes

How automation and AI can play a role in shaving days off your time-to-hire

And more!


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