Event Recap: Consolidating Pre-Hire Tools to Hire Faster

Our final installment of our “Reimagining the Workforce” series took place yesterday, and if you didn’t get a chance to attend, you can watch the recording below. We covered how consolidating your tech stack can help you hire your team faster by reducing friction between softwares that don’t speak to each other.

And here’s a summary of what was covered:
In an applicant economy, the speed in which you can attract and hire talent is critical. Our own Hireology research shows that quality applicants won’t wait around for you to respond or move them through interviews, skills tests, and other steps. They will choose the employers that offer timely responses and an efficient hiring process.
In this webinar, Hireology’s Alan Dodaro explained why your disparate systems are slowing you down and how consolidating your pre-hire tools can help you get top talent onboard faster by leveraging an all-in-one recruitment, hiring, and digital onboarding solution.
We hope you found value in this quick-hit series. At Hireology, we have a core value that is “eager to improve” so if you have any feedback, feel free to email info@hireology.com. And if you’d like to see how our product can help you hire your best team faster, schedule some time with us below.


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