2023 State of Healthcare Hiring Webinar

Inside the Minds of Today’s
Healthcare Job Seekers

Based on a 2023 survey of more than 675 healthcare job seekers, Hireology has uncovered exactly what top talent in the facilities-based care space is looking for when it comes to work and the job search itself. Based on these results, we’ve also identified what it takes for healthcare employers like you to capture your fair share of talent in today’s competitive labor market.

In this webinar, we’ll dig into the key results of this brand new survey and outline steps you can take to improve your job offerings, your hiring process, and your technology in order to capture better talent, fill open roles faster, and ultimately provide better care.

Key findings we'll discuss in this session

  • 46% of healthcare job seekers applied to more than 11 jobs in their most recent search
  • 53% say they expect to be interviewed within 3 days of applying to a job
  • 44% say they are likely to ghost if the employer doesn’t meet the above timeframe
  • 42% of those who have ghosted said they did so because the hiring process took so long
  • 57% have recent healthcare job seekers accepted the first offer they received
  • 55% used a smartphone for the entirety of their most recent search

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