Evaluate Your Applicants

Confidently make better hiring decisions without sacrificing speed

Identify the most qualified candidates

Automatically screen new applicants, run skills tests, and contact references directly from the platform

Hire with peace of mind

Choose from a range of background checks and drug screens to gain peace of mind

Keep your processes moving fast

Automation and integrations eliminate the need to use disparate systems to complete critical verifications

Reduce bad hires by 45% with by using Hirelogy reference checks

What you get with Hireology verifications

What our customers are saying




“Hireology is a great tool to onboard our applicants that have passed their interview. The qualification documents, SkillSurvey Reference Check and Onboarding paperwork processes are easy to use. Everything is in one place for employees to use. Having everything electronically makes it easier for everyone to sign and review.”

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