Casey BMW Accelerates Recruitment with the Ultimate Hiring Machine 


Casey BMW faced challenges with their existing hiring system that led to a disjointed experience for both applicants and the hiring team. As frustrations mounted, it was clear they needed a solution to centralize their efforts and reduce costs. Cue Hireology, entering the scene at the crucial moment with a much-needed hiring process revamp.

The Problem

Casey BMW relied on an applicant tracking system (ATS) that was touted as best in class — but in reality, was cumbersome and difficult to manage. The system was convoluted and could not be used effectively by standard users, resulting in an inconsistent hiring process. Furthermore, the additional tools needed to perform background and DMV record checks, conduct qualification assessments, and verify references were not integrated into the platform. Without communication between the various systems, Casey BMW was forced to keep paper files to track their hiring activities. This analog process lacked clarity, causing confusion on candidate status and costing Casey BMW thousands of dollars per month in siloed vendor services.

The Hireology Solution

Hireology timing & customer service

Although Casey BMW wasn’t actively seeking a new ATS, those closest to the day-to-day hiring activities recognized the need for change. As if by providence, BMW partnered with Hireology to give their dealers access to Hireology’s tools and resources in 2018. Sean Casey, General Manager of Casey BMW, forwarded an email to Lane Beenken, Director of Recruiting, Training, Corporate Development, and Variable Operations, suggesting that he scope out Hireology. The stars were aligned because as Lane was reading the email, he got a call from a Hireology representative and scheduled a demo.

“Everything came together at the perfect time and everyone at Hireology continues to be excellent to work with.” 

– Lane Beenken, Director of Recruiting, Training, Corporate Development, and Variable Operations

ATS & career site

Equipped with Hireology’s leading technology, Casey BMW can now go to the hiring market with a branded message that resonates with top-notch job seekers. When someone applies, the hiring team is immediately notified. From there, managers can log into a single, easy-to-use platform to verify qualifications, review prescreen surveys, and ultimately, make a hiring decision. In Lane’s own words, “It’s so easy a cucumber can do it!”

Text messaging

Casey BMW relies on tools like text messaging to stay in communication with candidates throughout the hiring process. This direct and efficient communication method has proven to be a game-changer for the team, allowing them to swiftly progress responsive candidates through the hiring steps. 

Background checks & assessments

Additionally, with integrations to perform the critical steps of conducting background and DMV record checks, sending assessments to confirm qualifications, and requesting references, hiring managers can order these items with just a few clicks. Best of all, they don’t have to pay for a separate service and log into another platform to do it!


From the time of an interview, a candidate can be hired and enrolled in electronic onboarding in as little as two hours. Thanks to Hireology’s onboarding capabilities, new hires can be on the job in less than a day and frequently express appreciation that this often monotonous process can be completed so quickly.

“New hires light up at the fact that they can get through their new hire paperwork and be on the job in less than one day.”

– Lane Beenken, Director of Recruiting, Training, Corporate Development, and Variable Operations

The Result

In today’s hiring environment, it’s more important than ever for employers to move quickly and keep applicants engaged. The tools and features Hireology provides, along with the clarity a centralized system provides in the hiring process, empower Casey BMW to hire quality candidates quickly and with ease.

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