Technician New Hire Onboarding Checklist

Improve your retention rates and employee engagement by setting up an efficient and engaging onboarding experience
Download the checklist

Does your dealership’s onboarding process
set new hires up for long term success?

Ghosting isn’t reserved for hiring and dating anymore — dealerships across the country are struggling with new hires simply not showing back up for work after their first day.

Keeping the ghosts at bay starts before a new hire’s first day, believe it or not. Download this checklist to audit your current onboarding procedures before, during, and after your new hire’s first shift to improve retention rates, employee engagement, and customer outcomes. Learn how an ATS can give you the competitive edge needed to capture more than your fair share of talent amidst these changing candidate expectations.

Better onboarding
codes to better service

Download the checklist today to help

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