The Loyal Hospitality Worker

Stand out from other employers to quickly fill roles with qualified talent at your hotel

Based on an exclusive annual survey of hospitality job seekers, The Loyal Hospitality Worker identifies trends and best practices to help you quickly fill roles, drive employee engagement, improve guest satisfaction, and maximize revenue at your hotel.

Are you meeting job seeker expectations to attract and retain loyal, productive employees for your hotel?

While the broader job market is showing signs of softening and coming into a closer power balance between job seekers and employers, hospitality hiring remains challenging and competitive. Understanding job seeker perspectives is critical to capturing the attention of qualified talent, hiring the best employees, and driving retention.

In our annual report, we’ll uncover firsthand insights from hospitality job seekers.This report highlights common job seeker preferences, frustrations, and emerging trends, along with actionable tips for your hotel to reach and engage qualified, loyal employees for your team.


Key takeaways from The Loyal Hospitality Worker

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