How Hireology Helped Creative Solutions in Healthcare Triple Applicant Volume Without Increasing Recruitment Spend


Creative Solutions in Healthcare (CSIH) is a prominent healthcare provider operating more than 132 healthcare facilities in Texas, offering a wide range of services including short and long-term care, assisted living, memory care, respite care, and ventilation care. Due to the organization’s decentralized hiring practices, there was a lack of visibility across locations leading to an overly manual and inefficient process. To address these challenges and streamline hiring, CSIH partnered with Hireology, leading to significant time and cost savings. Read on to learn how they did it.

The problem

Prior to partnering with Hireology, CSIH faced several challenges when it came to staffing — starting with high recruitment costs. CSIH was allocating a monthly budget of $60,000 to job board postings with little to no insight into cost-per-applicant, cost-per-hire, or the overall ROI of that spend.

Additionally, with hundreds of open roles per month across 132 locations, the lack of a centralized database for their applicant information made their process unmanageable. Resumes and other applicant information were spread across a combination of email folders, desktop folders, and Sharepoint files. 

Lack of visibility and centralized communication was a challenge too. The team primarily reviewed resumes then sent them to the facility coordinators but after that, they were left in the dark as to where candidates were in the hiring process. Additionally, the organization lacked standardized communication tools, which made it difficult to touch base with facilities to gain the status updates that they needed.

These challenges were exacerbated by a prolonged onboarding process that involved manual paperwork taking at least 9 days to complete. This hindered their efforts to maintain a consistent hiring process, underscoring the pressing need for a streamlined and efficient approach to managing recruitment.

The solution

To address these challenges, CSIH knew they needed a software provider that specializes in decentralized businesses in the healthcare space. Enter Hireology. Over the last year, Hireology’s industry-leading platform has helped CSIH centralize their hiring process, streamline job distribution, gain visibility across facilities, and improve candidate communication to speed up hiring.

Job distribution and sourcing insights

With Hireology, CSIH can now instantly distribute their open roles across leading job boards, search engines, social media, and more — allowing them to connect with and attract more quality talent. 

Additionally, Hireology’s insights and analytics feature provides the team with real-time metrics like applicants/source, hires/source, cost/applicant, and cost/hire. With these insights, the team gains more visibility into what was working and what wasn’t and can optimize their channel spend and strategy accordingly.

Centralized visibility

Hireology’s platform is built with the needs of multi-location businesses in mind. By leveraging the tool’s multi-location hierarchy, CSIH’s corporate recruiting team gained an overview of open positions and their respective statuses across the organization. Now, when the team sends a resume over to a facility coordinator, they can track that candidate’s progress every step of the way and instantly learn when roles are filled, candidates are rejected, etc.

Candidate texting

Hireology’s candidate texting functionality also made a significant impact on CSIH’s hiring efficiency. With texting, they were able to reach candidates more directly and move much faster than competitors relying on phone calls (which often go unanswered and unreturned) and email (which is time consuming and tedious for candidates to navigate). The team also leveraged innovative tools like QR codes to reach an even larger pool of talent and provide a more streamlined process for the job seeker.

Digital onboarding

CSIH also embraced digital onboarding through Hireology. This tool empowered the team to collect onboarding and new hire paperwork digitally, speeding up the hiring process, helping qualify caregiver candidates faster, and ultimately reducing the time it takes to get new hires in front of patients. Additionally, by digitizing paperwork, the team was able to significantly cut down on office supply spend and overall operate more sustainably.

Hireology customer success

Last but not least, the responsiveness of the Hireology team played a pivotal role in CSIH’s success. The team was attentive to their product feedback and swiftly addressed issues. Over time, Hireology’s team has become an extension of their own, thanks to the team’s deep healthcare industry expertise and ability to offer personalized solutions.

The results

Since embracing Hireology in August of 2022, the CSIH team has witnessed impressive results across various aspects of their recruitment process. Notably, adopting Hireology led to a massive reduction in cost/applicant and cost/hire while maintaining their original budget for job boards and Hireology. In other words, the team spent the same but drove significantly more applicants.

Even more importantly, CSIH now generates higher-quality applicants. Nearly half of all CSIH applicants (45%) are qualified for the roles they’ve applied for, and on average 18% of those qualified applicants get hired.

Additionally, Hireology’s impact on the team’s hiring efficiency was remarkable, with the number of applicants/month surging from 4,000 to an impressive 14,000 over the course of the last year. This increase in applicants translated to a higher number of hires, which rose from 750 to 1,191 per month.

By the numbers

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