Hireology Partners With myCNAjobs to Offer Access to Wider Network of Healthcare Talent

At Hireology, we’re constantly seeking new ways to help healthcare providers more easily attract, hire and onboard top talent. In the past, we’ve partnered with leaders in the healthcare space such as ClearCare, AlayaCare and MatrixCare to help you improve how you manage and schedule talent. We’ve also added new features such as document collection and increased background check options, allowing you to move candidates through the hiring and onboarding process quickly and efficiently. 

Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re further expanding our healthcare offerings with a new partnership with myCNAjobs — the nation’s largest career network of direct care workers. Together, we will empower you to reach more job seekers and get qualified folks on board easily, from one intuitive platform. 

This partnership comes at a time when hiring in the healthcare space has never been more difficult. Businesses across all industries are opening back up and hiring fast, giving folks in the direct care space who may be burnt out more options for employment than they’ve ever had before. So in addition to ongoing retention issues, you’re struggling to staff up to capacity and it’s negatively impacting patient care.

Simply put, you’re working harder than ever to attract and retain talent at your facility — because ultimately people’s lives depend on it. The goal of Hireology’s partnership with myCNAjobs is to help reduce that burden. Here’s a closer look at how this this update will add value to your healthcare agency or organization: 

Gain access to qualified job seekers

Poor applicant flow is the single biggest factor impacting hiring at healthcare facilities today. And one of the easiest ways you can solve this issue is by using a wider variety of applicant sources — particularly those your target talent pool uses most. myCNAjobs represents 70% of America’s home health aides, caregivers, and certified nursing assistants, giving you direct access to the largest network of qualified direct care workers. 

Decrease time-to-hire

When you do get top candidates in the door, you have to move fast or risk losing them to competitors. With a single unified platform for posting new roles on myCNAjobs and then routing applicants through your hiring process, you can move folks through the pipeline quickly and drastically reduce the time it takes for you to get them on board.

Enhance the candidate experience

Today, a job seeker’s experience with recruiters and hiring managers can be the difference between accepting and rejecting an offer. But because you’re working around the clock to staff up, it’s tough for you to find time to engage with and excite the candidates in your pipeline. Our new partnership will significantly reduce the manual work previously required to source candidates from myCNAjobs, freeing up time for you to provide a top-notch experience for your potential employees.

If you have a paid myCNAjobs account, an unlimited number of jobs opened from the Hireology platform are automatically shared across the myCNAjobs talent network. Applicants applying via myCNAjobs will flow automatically to Hireology, where hiring managers can automate communication and next steps for open roles. You can also proactively search the myCNAjobs resume database and easily push caregiver profiles into Hireology to streamline operations and track results. 

If you’re promoting hiring events on the myCNAjobs platform, candidate resumes will also get synced 30 minutes prior to both in-person and virtual interview events, further streamlining and automating the process. 

myCNAjobs is one of the top players in the healthcare recruiting space. We couldn’t be more excited to partner with them to help you get in front of a wider network of qualified job seekers as the healthcare talent crisis rages on. Hireology customers also leveraging myCNAjobs for their healthcare applicant sourcing can setup the integration today — just reach out to your myCNAjobs representative to learn more. Not a Hireology user? Schedule a demo to learn more about how Hireology can help you attract and hire more qualified direct healthcare professionals today.



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